Speech Database

Free speeches for anyone to practice on! By courtesy of MEIC staff and students.

ADMISSION test sample SPEECHES to practice on !


Listen carefully, analyse the information and select main ideas in their logical sequence, present a summary of what you have heard in your mother tongue.

EN: Biofuel in Sweden, Healing Spaceships, The Flying Scotsman, Vikings and global warming, Viruses don’t kill

FR: Animaux criminels, Impôt sur le revenu

DE: Der Schatz im See, Der Meteorologe aus Nordsibirien

ES: Aceite de oliva

STANDARD CONSECUTIVES (5-6 minutes, exam situation)


EN: How to kill Fidel Castro, 419 internet scams, Pope Gregory XVII, Startrek gadgets, Final battle WW2, Floating Nuclear Power Plant,

FR: Pollution au pollen, SOS école française, Politique énergétique UE, Pollution en espace clos

DE: Friedhof, Proteste Teheran, Kuss


IT: Casino Russi, Demografia italiana

SIMULTANEOUS (10 minutes, exam situation)


EN: Micronations. Sealand, Michael Jackson, GMO, Ku Klux Klan, Planet Mars, Refrigeration, The European Commission, The European Parliament, Vikings, Violence

FR: Universités dans la concurrence globale, Crânes de cristal

DE: Transilvanische Autobahn, Neue Generation, Kopfschmerzen, Die KAT Droge, Frauen und rauchen, Pangasius

ES: Escritores, Animales y catastrofes naturales, GoogleStreetView, Salina Turda

IT: Agricultura, Migrazioni, Barriere coralline, Rischio di calamità, Sbadiglio, Patata



Simultaneous: Pakistan vs. India (EN)

Mock Conferences (video):
